Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Journey to Joy: Day #5

     We're almost to the halfway point! Today was actually our last day in Zhengzhou. We went to the Civil Affairs office and made Aliza OFFICIALLY a Murray! Yay! The head of the office spoke and his message was translated. I felt like he spoke with such sincerity and pride for our children. If I wasn't trying to get Aliza to stop squirming...I might have cried. Haha!

     From there, we stopped by the notary and then the bank to wire our orphanage donation. This was different than our first trip with Josiah. We wired everything ahead of time so we only traveled with spending money. This trip, we had to travel with our orphanage donation (35,000RMB) and spending money...which made me a little nervous. BUT, our guide did everything for us. Our first guide exchanged our money and our second guide wired the money. It could not have been easier! 
     Waiting in the bank was an experience. They only had one teller working and you basically "take a number" for your turn. Literally, there were two old women behind us yelling and asking what was taking so long. Ha! While we waited, I asked our guide about Starbucks...and he ran me right around the corner for my vanilla latte! So.grateful. As I've said before, our guides are truly special people. They're so accommodating for us "foreigners."
     After the bank, we headed back to the hotel for lunch and the possibility of a nap for Aliza girl. Aliza was definitely more mobile today. Being held and sitting in a car...NOT her favorite things. But, she managed to smile the whole time anyway.

     Although Aliza is a peanut, the girl can eat! We're definitely testing things out as to how much will be too much. But so far, the ONLY thing she turned her nose up at was the warm milk that we were told she drank by the orphanage. Haha! That was also the case with Josiah. He hated warm milk. You don't drink cold anything in China. The orphanage was very sure to tell us that with drinks and food. Aliza loves noodles (like Josiah), fruit, eggs, hash browns. You name it! Here she is waiting for Daddy to finish her noodles...which she devours. The ramen is really good here in China.

     A nap wasn't really happening due to time and packing up to leave. Our last stop for today was the police station to apply for Aliza's passport. She had to get her picture taken and then our guide will mail her passport to us here in Guangzhou. I didn't know that was a thing...but it's happening!? Oh...and Aliza did fall asleep for a quick 5 minute nap on the way there. 

     From the police station, our guide and driver escorted us to the train station. Again, this trip to China involved trains instead of in-country flights. The Zhengzhou train station was mammoth. Our guide said it used to be the biggest station in Asia, until all capitals had train stations built. We had to pick up our train tickets and check our baggage. This included drinking any waters we had in front of an officer to prove it was water. Hahaha and not posion? I don't  know. We had a bit of time to grab Subway for an on-the-train dinner and then headed out for a 7 hour train ride. Eesh. Here are some views of the train station inside. Also, we are SO GLAD we have a stroller with us this trip. Aliza stayed in it while we waited for the train which was great because it was insanely busy!

     The train ride went well. It was just long...partly because we were traveling a long distance and partly because it made several stops along the way. It does keep to a schedule though. I was glad we were at the end of the line because I'm not sure we could have unloaded in time. You definitely saw some people scrambling! Aliza enjoyed her first Subway sandwich (like a champ) and slept towards the end. I feel confident about our plane ride home. Prayers that confidence stands!

     Our guide found us even before we got through the gate in Guangzhou. Yay! That's always my least favorite part. Per usual, she is SO sweet. We made a 45 minute trip to our hotel. The traffic was bananas. Apparently, the whole city is awake at midnight. We have a few hours to sleep (we both slept some on the train) and then it's breakfast and Aliza's medical appointment at 9:00. Please pray for her. She has to have a TB test done and I'm not allowed in there with her. We might see and hear her first tears! Until tomorrow, friends! Goodnight from Guangzhou! P.s. You better believe these panda diapers were just added to my Amazon subscription list!

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