Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Journey to Joy: Day #4 {The Bravest Girl I Know}

     Well...the day we've been waiting for...it finally came! Eric and I were both up at 5 a.m. After FaceTiming some family, we headed down to breakfast...to our same table, same spot. We came back up to the room and made a list of questions to ask the ayis (nannies). We fixed our hair, packed our bags, went to the bathroom a million times (maybe just me), anything to try and make time pass a little quicker!
     Around 8:50, we made our way to the elevator. As I've mentioned before, we're on the 29th floor. We have never been in the elevator with anyone else since we've been here. We literally ride straight from our floor to the 5th or 8th floor every time. Except today. We stopped on 28. Then 27. Then 26. When we stopped on 25, I started laughing. This made others feel really awkward. But, what are the odds?! Ha! We finally picked up speed and went straight to the lobby on floor 8. Our guide and her co-worker were waiting.
     Our guide for today was Tyger. He will also be with us tomorrow. He is so kind and very good at what he does. We drove through heavy traffic and arrived to the adoption building around 9:20. We were the first ones there. Shortly after we arrived, two sweet kiddos came in. One of the families was still on their way and the other family met their child. Eric and I sat and waited for our turn. I also cried... because...it's such a hard thing when these kiddos first meet their families. I know there is good...but it is so difficult and breaks my heart when they cry. Because they do cry! Josiah cried so much when we first met him.
     Aliza's city is a two-hour drive from Zhengzhou, so we ended up waiting for almost that amount of time in a small room. In fact, the other two families finished all of their paperwork and left before we even met Aliza. In hindsight, this was probably perfect. It really calmed my nerves and we had the opportunity to meet Aliza by ourselves. Seeing her walk down the long hallway towards us was just precious! My video won't load here. Wahhhh!
     Aliza is a total peanut! When we received her measurements in July, we didn't think it was possible for her to be as small as the orphanage said...because she turned 4 in February. But, she is TINY...maybe more like a 12 month old. I brought nothing to fit her! Haha! I'll need to do some shopping in Guangzhou. Don't mind that one bit!
     Aliza was very playful while Eric and I switched on and off stamping thumbprints and signing paperwork. She loved the stacking cups, pom pom sorter, and tiny books! Every time she read one of the board books, she'd turn it around and show me as she flipped pages...as if reading to me! So precious!

     When it was time to leave, I held out my arms and Aliza came to me and let me hold her. She blew kisses to her ayis and waved bye-bye. There was not ONE tear from our girl...the bravest girl in all of China. Her Mama on the other hand...shed the tears. Walking away from the only thing she's ever known is so hard. I was heartbroken to think about all the changes she was going through.
     Since we've been at the hotel, it's been a lot of, well, outfit changes. Between trying to figure out what will even stay up on her tiny frame and changing clothes after she's soaked them with her water bottle...we're experts at getting dressed! Also, this girl can SMILE. Oh my word!

    While Aliza doesn't speak yet and didn't make many sounds while we were in the office building, she has been constantly babbling ever since we stepped inside the hotel room. She is SUCH a playful girl! I bet she used the pom pom sorter for an hour straight. Pleasant and easy going are in her nature for sure.

     While it is NOT a typical Family Day for us to be having such an easy time with Aliza...we are definitely grateful. She sits in our laps to eat. Or anytime she wants to be close. She loves to lean on me, ha! She holds out her extended little arms when she wants Eric to pick her up. She plays and plays and plays some more. She LOVES to eat. Oh my  word. Snacks are her JAM! She just gets a kick out of everything! Maybe it's because I cheer anytime she does something. Hmmm... 
     But while other families are dealing with grieving children, we are also swallowing the {hard} reality that our sweet girl is SO small. The kind of small you know will be the first comment of many people who ask how old she is as we wait in line in the grocery store. Or when we introduce her to friends and family. And then the comments start coming in...why is she so small?! Is something wrong? Assumptions are made. By strangers. Or friends. Or maybe even family. And then fear starts to creep in...into our own parent hearts. Because, we know this. We see this. Every day, ya know? She's itty bitty and nothing like a 4 year old, physically.
     I looked at Eric today (while he was processing all that had happened) and simply said...God only wants us to meet her where she's at right now. Because I know Eric's thoughts had also been my thoughts. My fears. She WILL grow though. How much? We don't know. But God does! She will grow in so many ways beyond physical growth too. I know a loving family will make her BLOOM. And she will likely always be more petite. That's a characteristic of down syndrome. But, it is our honor to see and care for Aliza at every milestone she conquers. And I can tell you, after being Aliza's Mama for not even a day...our girl IS a conqueror.
    So fear? Guess what. You have ZERO space in my heart. Because I have been chosen as Aliza's mother and I will absolutely shout her worth until it is heard and understood by everyone we meet! She is worthy! Her  size does not determine our ability to love her or not. Nor should it determine how she is viewed by this world. 
    I put this board together back in August after feeling a nudge from God that this should be my prayer. And now I know why. God has our girl in the palm of His hand. He always has and He always will. And I can parent her confidently in that truth alone. Aliza is loved. Completely and wholly loved.

    For now, our sweet girl says goodnight, great big world! She's glad to meet you.

1 comment:

  1. How very precious. A smiley, bubbly gift from God! Bless you all and safe journey home.
