Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Full Day, Full Hearts

     Yesterday marked our first full day with Josiah! He slept like a rock last night...in between Mama and Baba. He enjoyed lots of different positions...and thankfully, I didn't sleep so I could catch them all (and give him some extra room). Ha!

     My emotions were way too high to try and be still and attempt something like sleep. I knew I could nap later in the day when Josiah napped. And I did! It was refreshing. But of course, I still had to snap a sleeping baby picture. Some things never change. He's our first thumb-sucker...be still my heart!

     While it was technically July 4th yesterday, we obviously couldn't celebrate in our normal way with fireworks and yummy food and family. However, we DID celebrate by making Josiah officially just like one of our biological children! We left around 8:30AM to begin what Eric described as the Amazing Race. And it kind of was! 

     We hopped into our trusty van with our same rockstar driver and set off on an equally exciting trip to the apartment building we had met Josiah in not even 24 hrs ago. That was hard... there was a distinct smell to the room (think pet birds) and we saw his caretakers again. He definitely spent some time crying again. Poor boy!

     We had a family picture taken for our Consulate paperwork and then paperwork was notarized and sorted. We also had to stamp his foot as part of the process...which he HATED! Also, his foot looks ginormous. But he does fit into the 18-24 mos shoes I brought! We love our big boy. He's so tall... especially for these parts...our guide comments on his size often. He is still very thin though and we expected that!

     Then it was picture time again. This was fun because 2 of these sweet ladies (far left) were Josiah's caretakers. They truly loved the children we all welcomed into our arms.

Here's our family picture for the Consulate.

     And just like that, we were off again to a different building! After about another 25 min or so, our van pulled in to a parking lot...only to be told we could not park there. So, what did we do? Well we backed out into the middle of the road, of course! I'm still not sure how we managed to stay out of an accident. There aren't many traffic breaks here...cars and battery-powered scooters are everywhere! All the time. And remember the yellow ones that don't stop in the movie Elf? Well none of these vehicles stop for you either. 
     We parked and ran into this tiny open room on the side of a tall building. This was where we would need to get Josiah's picture taken for his passport. And it couldn't be a crying photo. And it was crazy busy. But at this point, not much ISN'T busy in China. (Except the mall. I'll post about that later.) Can you imagine what Josiah must have felt like already? Still with strangers, being toted from building to building, having to take picture after picture...so hard for any little one's heart...and it was hard on him. Luckily, he LOVES food so if he ever started to cry, we could give him a cheerio and he felt calm again.

     We walked next door to a large building where we had to finish the passport process. It was lots of waiting...a signature...and distracting our little guy. 

     P.s. No one wears shorts here so we get even more looks that our son is dressed for warm weather. They laugh at us when we ask for A/C in the van too. We actually went to Wal-Mart last night to buy him a long sleeved outfit. We didn't want to show up to the orphanage tomorrow and offend anyone with Josiah's wardrobe! Oh man, China!

     Thankfully, as I think I've shared before... our guide takes care of everything during days like these. Again, we're so grateful because most times, we're not entirely sure what is going on. Ha!

     This building closes at 11:30 for lunch so we were on a time crunch. I think this was at about 11:15... because we all couldn't imagine these people clearing out in such a short amount of time. There was another level above us just like this floor. Even busier.

     At this time, we were way off of Josiah's schedule and eating time. We were also starved. We came back to the hotel, warmed up his congee and Eric went with another husband to get take out with our guide. They went to a Japanese restaurant right across the street...and the food was GOOD! Eating in country has been difficult for me. Partly, because I'm accustomed to Western food (spoiled probably) and partly because I do not want to eat anything that might make me sick! I'm just super cautious. But this meal was super yummy. Josiah even had to get in on the action. He loves eating what Mama eats.

     So far, when out in public, Josiah is very somber. He doesn't show much emotion, except for crying when he is scared, which I think is very understandable. The thing that I keep holding on to is the fact that Eric and I can have intimate moments with him in our room...where he laughs and plays and makes his cute baby sounds. He even offers Eric and I both kisses when we pucker our lips! Ahh! This was just after he gave Eric a smooch.

     He is also walking around the room to play so I think he's feeling more and more comfortable with each passing day. He even FaceTimed with his siblings for the first time last night! They got him to smile with a game of peek-a-boo.

     We are so grateful that God is hearing our prayers and yours. Josiah seems to be doing well considering we've only finished day 2 together. We won't push anything with him, but are thankful he opens up a little bit more each day. He even took his first bottle for us yesterday! And he had to touch my face while he did it. I am not taking for granted any of these precious moments!

     Today, we'll visit the orphanage and see how loved these children have been while we've worked our way across the ocean to them. Our guide and the caretakers have already shown me a picture of a beautiful girl who just had a file prepared and have joked that we could bring her home. This obviously can't happen, but they know my tender Mama heart for these kids! Praying families' hearts are moved by our journey and others' to consider this journey themselves. Happy 4th to all of our Western friends!

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