Sunday, November 2, 2014


     Did you know that November is National Adoption Month? Well, in case you didn't... now you do! Last year, I vividly remember my Instagram feed being consumed by adoption-related posts during the month of November. *This is to be expected when you follow accounts mostly due to their ties with adoption.* But, I remember having the longing in my heart and wondering if there'd ever be a time when I could share my heart for adoption during the month of November.

     Last year wasn't the time...yet. We were still fumbling through our infertility treatments and trying to figure out what His plan might be for our family. He clearly knew, but we didn't. And so...for an entire year...the Lord grew my heart {even more}, and Eric's heart, and our kiddos' hearts...for adoption. Now, here we are in the month of November! And we can begin to share bits and pieces of our story as it unfolds. This is an Instagram Adoption Share hosted by @mixed_beautifully. We probably can't share something for every day because we just aren't very far in the process. BUT I am so thankful for the progress we've made since last year and look forward to sharing bits and pieces of our story.

Day 1: How does adoption impact you? 

     Read my post here that talks about how my heart began to grow for adoption long before Eric and I met each other. I've also begun to focus more on my own adoption as a child of God. On Wednesday nights, I've been attending an adoption class where we've been reading through Russell D. Moore's book called Adopted For Life. It's a great read for anyone. I'm sure I'll be sharing more of this book in weeks to come. 

Day 2: First Step...What was your first step like?

     Scary. As ready as I was to finally begin our adoption journey, that eagerness didn't take away the overwhelming fear that overshadows your every little step. As I've posted before, part of our first step just needed to be a jump! The reality is...we're never going to have enough money and we're never going to be completely "ready" in a process filled with unknowns. If we decide to go with the program we're currently looking into, we won't be bringing home the next piece of our puzzle for another two years...but we feel strongly about bringing home our son or daughter no matter the length of time. I saw this quote by an unknown author that really hit home for what's been on my heart these last couple of weeks...

"I always questioned if I was ready to adopt and then I realized no child was ready to be an orphan."

     Those are some pretty strong words, friends. Equally powerful was this statistic I found via Hope for Orphans. Will you join me in praying for the orphans around the world? Many churches were part of Orphan Sunday today...and it seems like a fitting place to end my post for tonight.

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